HOLYHABITS core values
Holy Habits is a way of forming whole-life, missional disciples that draws on Luke’s model of the early church in Acts 2:42–47.
Holy Habits is way of life for all: all cultures, languages and in particular all ages.
We practise holy habits when we gather together and encourage one another in the living of them in the whole of life; at home, at work, in engaging with the big issues of the day.
Luke notes how the first believers enjoyed the ‘goodwill of all the people’ (Acts 2:47). This is way of life designed to serve and bless others.
This is way of life that honours the Lord, is guided by the Spirit and seeks to live the type of holiness that Jesus embodied: down to earth, involved, loving, giving.
Photo credits:
Discipleship - ©Thinkstock.com
For all - iStock.com/Rawpixel
Holy - Methodist Modern Art Collection, © TMCP
Missional - iStock.com/FatCamera
Whole life - Markus Spiske on Unsplash