Holy Habits - A Short Introduction

Holy Habits: 01 An adventure in Christian Discipleship
HOLYHABITS: A short introduction
Holy Habits project leader Andrew Roberts introduces you to the Holy Habits resources available from BRF. These flexible, easy-to-use resources will help you and your church to engage with discipleship in a deliberate and exciting way.
HOLYHABITS: An adventure in Christian Discipleship
Andrew Roberts goes into more details about the Holy Habits resources: what they are and how they might be able to help your church explore Christian discipleship.

Holy Habits: 02 Planning and preparation including discussion questions

Holy Habits: 03 Getting started including discussion questions
HOLYHABITS: Planning and preparation
Andrew Roberts talks about how to go about planning a Holy Habits journey.
HOLYHABITS: Getting started
Andrew Roberts give advice on how to shape your Holy Habits programme, including which habit to start with and how long to spend on each habit.